
Middle School Kids Program

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Our Middle School Kids Program

At Simna Martial Arts Organization , we realize that kids are growing up faster than they used to. Our program reflects that change and helps to provide children and their parents with a resource to deal with this. We provide a safe, fun, and positive environment where your child will be surrounded with positive role models, adults and peers alike. They will be encouraged to be leaders in and out of our schools and be given the confidence and self esteem to do so.

Simna Martial Arts Organization does teach children how to defend themselves...but not in the hard-core, violent way you might imagine. We teach our students to be safe by using a common sense approach to protection. This means understanding self-defense techniques, self-defense strategy, and conflict resolution techniques. We also teach body language concepts to our students. Things related to body posture, eye contact, and voice. Things that are designed to give your child a confident appearance...an appearance that communicates, "I am a nice person." and importantly, "I am not a person you can shove around."

Another area of emphasis is physical fitness. We develop fundamental athletic skills. Important skills like coordination, flexibility, and body balance. Skills that are required for Taikwondo, Karate, Kick Boxing, and wing-chun...but usually aren’t taught very well. They are simply expected. If you have them, you do well. But if you don’t, you're left behind. But the fact is, those skills are teachable. And when we develop them in our class , it just sends the kids back to the dojo , back to gym class -- not only more capable, but also more confident in that environment.

Our greatest area of emphasis represents our uniqueness...and also what parents like best about our program. That is the way that we teach the attitude skills of the Martial Arts, self-control, self-confidence, positive thinking, listening skills, respect, and good manners, perseverance and courage. What is really powerful about our program is that it doesn’t just teach our students about these skills, they actually experience these important skills in our classroom. And they are then taught how to apply these skills when they are away from here.

So, academically, socially, and within the home, our students are empowered to perform at higher levels. And, what makes it work, what holds all three parts together, is just that it’s so much fun. The teachers are really wonderful people. Ours is a friendship based system and we are sure your child will love learning Martial Arts at Simna Martial Arts Organization.